
How To Maximize A Celebrity Social Media Campaign

Here’s our corporate consulting tips to properly assess a celebrity’s social media usage before launching headlong into a celebrity social media campaign.


I am in a very unique position based on having represented numerous high profile celebrities with large numbers of social media followers across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vine, YouTube and others, while also providing corporate consulting to companies intrigued with executing social media “shout outs” with celebrities owning large aggregated fan bases.

I explain to my corporate clients that just accessing someone’s social media fan base in a one off kind of way isn’t as powerful as truly engaging the celebrity’s fan base. How can a brand, company or service provider get more out of the valuation, cost and ROI when engaging a social media star? Here are several tips to make your next program a success:

1. Vet the celebrity(s) you are thinking about engaging. Make sure you know their demographic split. Who is following them? Instagram does not make that information available but other social media channels will.

2. Know where the celebrity’s audience is located. You can GeoTrack anyone’s follower base. If you have a campaign and product that is only sold in the U.S., having a celebrity tweet for you when their audience is in Europe or Asia makes ZERO sense.

3. Review the quantity of posts your celebrity is producing. If you are one of many and the many is like ants (there never is just one) be cautious. How will you get your brand message out if the clutter is so thick?

4. Attempt to ascertain the re-tweet or like numbers of any previous campaign a celebrity has done. Not that past success or failure is always a guarantee of performance, but it is something to consider.

5. Have a strategy and plan on how to expand the opportunity with your celebrity or social media star. As an example:

a. Have the celebrity write a blog about why they authentically love the product or service. This can be done in a moderated Q&A format as well to best engage the star and illicit quality answers in a very intimate way.

b. Send a press release out about the engagement.

c. Have the celebrity featured on your website for a limited period of time to validate this engagement to your customers.

d. Be prepared to off some type of short-term discount on the purchase of a product to spur ROI.

e. If you have any other corporate spokespeople, conceptualize some type of social media collaboration. These collaborations work wonderfully when you have individuals that are like minded and are looking to grow their follower base by introducing themselves to one another’s followers.

As a brand manager, you should expect to pay more of a premium for the above services vs. just a static shout out campaign, but this will also set you way in front of what most companies are currently doing and isn’t that the point?

Contact me if you have any questions regarding who are the best social media stars and/or celebs to execute a campaign such as the one described above. All budget ranges will garner interest by someone trying to stay relevant and earn a living! Email me at: