Contact CelebExperts

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Our professional team is here for you 24/7, so please don’t hesitate to contact us by filling out the form below if you have any questions, problems or maybe a suggestion. We would love to hear from you.

Phone: 919-332-0584

Why Choose CelebExperts

CelebExperts has built its reputation on being strategic, efficient, and delivering results. Our no-nonsense form of talent vetting, negotiation, and activation is unique. Our white glove personal approach to getting results from your celebrity, athlete and influencer campaigns and our world class creative stands above the rest.

Booking Celebrities and Influencers

CelebExperts has worked with movie actors, influencers, reality TV personalities, sports stars, pop culture icons, musicians, and all other celebrity talent across all ends of the spectrum to deliver impact to brands. CelebExperts are world-class professionals who are respected by both celebrity talent and their agents and managers.

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Corporate Consulting

CelebExperts has an expertise in consulting emerging companies, start-ups and middle level corporations, as well as Fortune 500 companies. We approach every tier and every company with a different strategy and are a full services digital marketing agency. From those that have never done a celebrity or influencer campaign, to those wanting to master influencer marketing and deliver results.
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Sponsorship / New Biz Dev

CelebExperts has expanded its reach into the sponsorship and new business development segment for our corporate clients.   The agency has the capabilities to secure event sponsorships locally, regionally and nationally.  Additionally, CelebExperts has years of experience helping brands monetize their events, properties, campaigns and opportunities. Specializing in both brand awareness and sales campaigns.
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Our Work Speaks for Itself

Macro Brands Case Studies

Captain Sandy X Chips Ahoy

Case Study 1:

  • To celebrate Chips Ahoy  60th Birthday, Mondelez decided to completely shift from television ads to digital media.
  • With a goal of engaging with Gen. Z, Chips Ahoy organized a 3 day birthday celebration with Chips Ahoy on a Chips Ahoy themed yacht.
  • Captain Sandy ‘christened’ the Yacht prior to hitting the seas to celebrate and created content for her socials as well as Chips Ahoy social media.


  • Over 1.1 billion impressions and pickup from 18+ news outlets.
  • Incredible engagement with Gen. Z and Millennials across social media.
  • Content for Chips Ahoy to help build their presence on Social Media.

Smithfield Foods Inc. X The Food Renegades #goodfoodchallenge

Case Study 2:

  • With COVID underway and the need for digital content, Smithfield enlisted The Food Renegades and CE to create their first ever TikTok launch.
  • Knowing the world was in a difficult place, the campaign focused on doing good and donating meals for Feeding America.
  • Every video entry into the #goodfoodchallenge was a meal for someone in need.
  • t was so successful that the brands decided to unveil a second campaign which took place in August of 2020 and another in the winter.


  • The #goodfoodchallenge led to over 41,000 tuning into a live TikTok event.
  • 10 Million hashtag views and 10 million meals were donated to those in need.
  • 1.3 Million views on a one-post per creator campaign.

Start Up and Emerging Companies Case Studies

Azuna x Multi Tier Influencer, Athlete, and Celebrity Programing

Case Study 3: Azuna Celebrity, Athlete, Macro and Micro Talent Program, Revenue + Brand Awareness

  • Azuna Celebrity, Athlete, Macro and Micro Talent Program, Revenue + Brand Awareness.

Heather Rae x Azuna, Real Estate Initiative

  • CelebExperts was tasked with launching Azuna’s new program geared toward real estate agents. The idea was to give Azuna as a closing gift vs something a new home owner probably doesn’t need.
  • Heather Rae was perfect as she had an large audience, was very focused on health and wellness, and was in the midst of launching her new HGTV show .
  • CelebExperts devised a strategic plan and messaging which resulted in significant revenue increases and brand awareness.

Tommy Devito x Azuna, Fight the Funk

  • Azuna is a sports centric brand. They are a sponsor of The Buffalo Bills and The New York Giants. With Tommy Devito so hot this year, CelebExperts wanted to capitalize on that in a short period of time.
  • Negotiations, contracting, creative assistance, and filming was secured in under one weeks time.

Danielle Brown, HealthyGirl Kitchen, Revenue Driving Influencer Program

  • Vegan and lifestyle creator Danielle Brown with over nine million followers lead the plant based group creating new opportunities and brand awareness

Multi Tier Influencer Program Results

  • CelebExperts lead all tiers of the Azuna’s influencer program which has driven millions of dollars in sales.
  • Via organic and whitelisting, the Company expanded rapidly expanding brand awareness and increasing revenue substantially.

Azuna x Multi Tier Influencer, Athlete, and Celebrity Programing

Case Study 4:

  • CE developed a robust campaign to make the most out of bringing on one of the top influencers in the world at that time.
  • BlendJet acquired Jen Selter with a following of 40 million+ to raise brand awareness and revenue.
  • From developing creative, securing media and handling in-person activations at events like FitExpo and beyond, Jen became the face of BlendJet.
  • Jen became a conduit to building a micro influencer campaign and social selling beyond any affiliate program.


  • Company is now in the process of selling for multiples of millions.
  • Hundreds of thousands of influencers driving awareness and sales.
  • Entry and premium space at expos and events.
  • On-boarding macro and micro influencers via Jen’s influence to maximize her celebrity power.


If you would like a free consultation on celebrity or influencer campaigns please contact,
Evan Morgenstein CEO at .