CelebExperts Breaks Down the Cost of A Celebrity Speaker This is the #1 question that I get everyday from prospective clients that reach out to my company CelebExperts from allRead More
The simple answer is, it's not easy! There are so many great industries that have a significant need for a great salesperson. You know what that person looks like. Confident,Read More
Ok, OK Disclaimer! I SELL CELEBRITIES AND SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS FOR A LIVING! Who gives a shit. I have no conflict of interest anymore than a cardiologist does in promotingRead More
Cost & Benefits of Hiring a Celebrity Spokesperson CelebExperts was founded almost 8 years ago essentially to answer two simple questions. How to hire a celebrity spokesperson and determine theRead More
Ho Ho Ho, Oh No! Yep, its that time again! You or your client or you outside agency is scouring the earth for the perfect fit, the most authentic, theRead More
CelebExperts Celebrates 4th Year in Business Incredible when you take an idea and turn it into a passion. I conceptualized CelebExperts at the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, China. IRead More
Other than several athletes who did not do themselves any favors, should your company consider utilizing one of the Olympic athletes from Rio for your next event or campaign? WellRead More
It’s easy to say utilizing social media stars to affect your company and/or brand’s fortunes have become so challenging because the flood of influencers and the seeming endless lack ofRead More
Let's start off by telling the truth. Muhammad Ali was neither a savior or a saint. His flaws as most people, were obvious but maybe just more public by beingRead More
Don't believe me that golf is in the tank? Want proof to chew on while you are practicing your back swing! Early this month sporting goods giant Adidas Group saidRead More