Here's our corporate consulting tips to properly assess a celebrity's social media usage before launching headlong into a celebrity social media campaign. I am in a very unique position based on having represented numerous high profile celebrities with large numbers of social media followers across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vine, YouTube and others, while also providing corporate consulting to companies intrigued with executing social media "shout outs" with celebrities owning large aggregated fan bases. I explain to my corporate clients that just accessing someone's social media fan base in a one off kind of way isn't as powerful as truly engaging theREAD MORE
Just in case you don't know, the picture above is of my hip replacement... that went horribly wrong. March 10, 2010, I went to Brigham and Women's Hospital for what was described as a routine hip replacement. They had done thousands before. "No problem" seemed to be the quote of the day. Well, needless to say, there was a problem. The specifics of the botched surgery and who is to blame is in dispute, but what isn't in dispute is that this episode changed me and my view on winning forever. In the past, I loved pushing people around fromREAD MORE
Most companies who are thinking about hiring World Series MVP Madison Bumgarner as their corporate spokesperson are out of their minds! In the world of supply and demand, here is what I know. Madison Bumgarner's agent went to bed with a smile on his face and woke up in a panic attack! Why? Here are the 5 things you need to know: 1. Name last year's World Series MVP? Super Bowl MVP? NBA Championships MVP? Get my point? There is no long term up side to signing an athlete during the storm of popularity. I am all for a quickREAD MORE
In today's day and age, are good salespeople undervalued? We think so! My experience in 28 years of sales is that you can help someone be a serviceable earner, but only G-d almighty can create a great salesperson! That's a fact! If you are in the business of hand holding and coddling, then you will disagree with my assertion. And frankly, I don't care. HR people and sales trainers will hate this blog. Because they are compensated on developing and hiring the next generation of salespeople. They want to control the process and take credit for it. Salespeople are like a brotherhood! Like 1st responders in a businessREAD MORE
It seems like every category of company is utilizing a celebrity spokesperson these days: Time Warner has Bobby Flay and Bill Cowher AT&T has Grant Hill and Gordon Ramsay SmartWater has Jennifer Aniston Priceline has William Shatner GoDaddy has Danica Patrick Coca-Cola, Sprint and Nationwide make major investments in NASCAR drivers Oberto Beef Jerky has Richard Sherman Pizza Hut has Blake Shelton and Papa Johns has Peyton Manning And the list goes on and on and on.... Here are 5 things to always consider: 1. Are you prepared to pay the price? a. Talent fees: Most potential corporate clients that contact us through our CelebExperts website have NO idea what a Celebrity of the notoriety of those listed above would cost. InREAD MORE
Superbowl MVP Russell Wilson Creates Non-Profit To Assist Domestic Violence Victims! We have entered into a time where most NFL athletes, in fact most pro athletes, are shying away from this powder keg of a topic after the Ray Rice and Greg Hardy arrests for domestic violence against their significant others. However, Superbowl MVP quarterback Russell Wilson from the Seattle Seahawks has decided to take a stand. Wilson, who has done everything the right way since entering the NFL first challenged two of his friends, iconic athlete Derek Jeter and singer Justin Timberlake to be involved, donate money andREAD MORE
Hard to admit. Harder to change. Is your competition cleaning your clock? The following 5 ideas might help you break the glass ceiling that you can't seem to pierce. 1. Stop being so respectful of your competition! This isn't a gentleman's fight. This is war and you better wake up to this reality. Maybe you are on a trade association with your competitor. Maybe you know your competitor from a previous job. Maybe you are neighbors. WHO CARES? You aren't paid to be Mr. /Mrs. Nice "guy". Time to take out your whooping stick and take it to your competition. 2. Research, Research, Research! WhatREAD MORE
Hard to admit. Harder to change. Is your competition cleaning your clock? The following 5 ideas might help you break the glass ceiling that you can't seem to pierce. 1. Stop being so respectful of your competition! This isn't a gentleman's fight. This is war and you better wake up to this reality. Maybe you are on a trade association with your competitor. Maybe you know your competitor from a previous job. Maybe you are neighbors. WHO CARES? You aren't paid to be Mr. /Mrs. Nice "guy". Time to take out your whooping stick and take it to your competition. 2. Research, Research, Research! WhatREAD MORE
Timing is everything, right? Well if you are considering hiring a celebrity to represent a product, service and/or company there is no better time to link up with a celebrity and here is why! The following are five (5) reasons it’s time to get off the sidelines and in the game of having a celebrity spokesperson: 1. Your competitors have a celebrity spokesperson and you are losing traction quickly! Turn on the television, open a magazine or go on line and do a Google search for your category of product and your competitors own these avenues. Their celebrity spokesperson is everywhere.READ MORE
With Derek Jeter goes the end of an era! In a recent Nike Jordan brand commercial called Re2pect, it is clear that Derek Jeter (any New Yorker can hear the echoing call of his name from former Yankee announcer Bob Sheppard), is different. No, not just because he is a 40 year old playing a boys game. No, not because his career has spanned over one of the most harmful eras in sport’s history because of the explosion of PEDs. I think it is more tied to Jeter’s steely determination to win at all costs while still respecting the opponentsREAD MORE
Yep, I said it. And in fact it is true! Without social media, how would we find out stranger's deepest, darkest secrets? Who they are dating? What they did or wore on a date in explicit details, now with video and pictures. The voyeur in all of us reads, watches and looks at "content" not necessarily intended for us but now it isn't excluding us either. We can download great text break ups or amazing exploits of newly in love co-workers. The intent of social media is really to have an intimate conversation in whatever format or manner with yourselfREAD MORE
I am asked 20 times a day about whether or not a certain celebrity is a good fit? Or how much is such and such going to cost? Will this Reality TV star be good doing PR for the client? On and On and On.... And truth is, it never gets old! I actually love it. Why? Because I love what I do! Being a corporate consultant to some of the most interesting and dynamic companies, brands and people has no peer. I feel like my staff and I invest our experience in educating our clients on so many thingsREAD MORE
Celebrity endorsement deals in the health and beauty industry are not a new phenomenon or even particularly unique, however, when a celebrity spokesperson extends their relationship from haircare to skincare, that is uncommon. Fey will be adding on to her role as spokesperson for Garnier’s Nutrisse hair color as the face of Garnier’s latest skincare line set to debut in stores this month. The original haircare deal was inked in 2011 when Fey was hired as the featured celebrity spokesperson to help focus their marketing efforts towards suburban women and moms. It is Tina Fey’s “girl next door” persona which enablesREAD MORE
Interesting question. As I read Publicis’ CEO Maurice Levy’s comments about two infamous selfies, The Oscars and Ellen DeGeneres and The White House with President Obama and Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz I am beginning to think this might be a good thing taken too far. Mr. Levy values the Oscar selfie at $1,000,000,000 in value based on the social media views which were roughly the same as the total global viewership (37 mil vs 43 mil). The Oscars’ selfie which featured Ms. DeGeneres, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep and Kevin Spacey, to name aREAD MORE
Express, long thought of as one of America’s most mainstream apparel retailers has changed course and signed their first celebrity spokesperson in over a decade, supermodel Kate Upton! Upton who has graced most every globally iconic magazine including Vogue, Allure, Vanity Fair, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Women’s Wear Daily, Harper’s Bazaar and many others has become incredibly well liked by the everyday woman and mom with her modern sensibilities and approachable personality. Express will pony up an excess of seven figures on this celebrity endorsement in an effort to freshen up its mass appeal. The campaign will aimREAD MORE