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Case Studies

Shopping for value when hiring a celebrity is always a good idea, just not the only idea! Let me introduce you to my day…  Every day: Prospective client/PR Agency: Well Evan, we really like your focus and experience at CelebExperts.  My only concern is, can we afford the celebrity you help us secure? Me: Good question.  But is the fee all that matters? PC/PRA:  Evan, does the sun come up every day?  Yes, fee is all that matters to my client you know them. Me:  Oh boy… PC/PRA: Pardon me.  You cut out. Me:  No, No.  I was just sneezing. READ MORE
keeping up with the kardashians
There isn’t a supermarket in America that isn’t filled at the checkout aisle with magazine after magazine with “celebrities”!  Some of it good.   Some of it bad.  And some of it just off the hook insane!  Now what constitutes a celebrity is up for interpretation! It used to be A-list Movie stars: Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando, John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCarprio, the list of stars – real stars – goes on and on.  But the world has changed. No longer are celebrities judged by opening box office numbers or how many weeks on theREAD MORE
Julia Roberts Celebrity Spokesperson
99 percent of the potential clients that contact CelebExperts ( ask first about costs and secondarily about how they find the celebrity that fits their campaign, what types of benefit can they get from this relationship or even the most basic 411 on utilizing someone who is famous to influence your customer! PRICE doesn’t equal success!  So if you find a former reality television star from let’s say Amazing Race, winner of season 3241 for oh let’s say $10,000 for a year’s campaign, that only guarantees you of one thing…you spent $10,000! We understand working with small and emerging companies, inREAD MORE
Bella Thorne Wallflower Jeans
Disney Channel star Bella Thorne has been signed on as a new celebrity spokesperson for Wallflower Jeans’ marketing campaign beginning in the fall of 2013. Thorne's young and vibrant style coupled with her independent and unconquerable spirit makes her the perfect role model and spokesperson for Wallflower Jeans. The fiery redhead, who earlier this spring confirmed her role in the new Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore romantic comedy, has experienced quite the explosive career and with 4.3 million twitter fans, brands are starting to take notice. Thorne, who made her way onto several hit shows such as Entourage and TheREAD MORE
Marilyn Monroe
America’s sweetheart and universal sex icon Marilyn Monroe has just signed on to be Sexy Hair’s new celebrity spokesperson for their upcoming campaign debuting in the fall of 2013. Marilyn Monroe has been resurrected from the grave and is bringing sexy back- way back. The “Styles Change. Sexy is Forever” campaign will feature traditional print, outdoor ads and social media starring images of the timeless beauty along with some of her legendary ‘Monroe-isms.’ Known as one of the fastest growing beauty care companies, Sexy Hair has been deemed a beauty essential and is favored by Hollywood leading ladies such asREAD MORE
Rachel Ray Ziploc
Everywhere you go, there are celebrities associated with products!  Emeril has a cookware line.  Duff Goldman has baking products.  Justin Timberlake is with Budweiser.    Katy Perry is with Pop Chips.  Alicia Keys is with Blackberry.  Rachael Ray for Zip lock?  Martha Stewart for her next book?  And on and on and on! Point is that Celebrities fill the consumer landscape promoting products, services and brands.   Why not yours?  Are you a small emerging company?  An inventor with a great idea?  A Fortune 100 conglomerate?  An Inc. 500 company?  Truth is, we have placed celebrities with all of these and soREAD MORE
Jerry OConnell
Is hiring a Celebrity Dad vs. a Celebrity Mom a good decision?  For Fifty years marketers trying to encourage women to buy their products and identify with their brands have hired Celebrity moms to be their spokespeople, influencing the influencer in the home, the mom.  But with the changing demographics of buyers, the number of stay-at-home dads that are currently out there and the fact that dads are the fastest growing consumer at supermarkets due to most extending their hours of operation to at least 9:00 pm, it only makes sense for a Celebrity dad to be hired to beREAD MORE
Tiger Woods
When Forbes creates many of their lists there is a collective yawn.  But when they come out with their list of Highest Paid Athletes in the World, everyone sits up and takes a look!  It’s amazing how athletes' performance outside of their chosen sports has become such a hot topic and big business.  These giants of sports battle it out on another field of play, the boardrooms of corporations all over the world.  When you make $60 million plus, you need a global profile, compete on TV and win baby win! Most of these top 20 on this list don’tREAD MORE
using tablet computer
On-line start up Adly ( is trying to make a splash in the world of celebrity endorsements. Is their service good or bad for prospective Celebrity talent buyers? I guess the answer is it just depends on what you do and what you need in the multi-billion dollar Celebrity Acquisition space.  Adly’s services focus on securing influencers via social media to “amplify” your current social media program, but with Adly it's using a “celebrity”.   The term Celebrity also is left up to the imagination because with Adly, an influencer can come in many flavors.  The word Celebrity is defined asREAD MORE
Iron Chef America
In one of the more interesting licensing deals, Scripps (parent company of The Food Network) has embarked on creating significantly higher value for its franchise TV shows, like Iron Chef America, by creating a licensing platform for companies to build product lines behind these famous TV shows, not personalities.  This divergence from the rest of the market-place who is obsessed with celebrities is interesting, not unique, but scratch-your-head interesting.  It would seem that the powers at Food Network are trying to have it both ways. On one-hand, they have built a huge business by hiring/booking and promoting some of theREAD MORE
Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty draws a bigger audience on its season finale than either CBS' Two and a Half Men, Hawaii Five-O or How I Met Your Mother does on their big splashy network shows! This should surprise no one! Reality TV shows such as Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars, Survivor, The Amazing Race and Chopped have killed traditional television programming. Network executes are scrambling to re-establish network tv as the place for advertisers to go for advertisers who are leaving in droves for cable programming they can own! Speaking of OWN, their tie-ins with major corporate sponsors such as P+G have providedREAD MORE