The Waiting Game
As a corporate consultant in every sense of the word, CelebExperts CEO Evan Morgenstein has perfected the art of The Waiting Game.
If you have been in business as long as I have, now 20 years this month, you learn a lot. You pick up all kinds of good and bad habits. You make excuses for your indiscretions and missteps. You morph into that influential businessperson you saw and wanted to be when you were a kid. You dress like him. You sound like him. Your mannerisms mirror his.
The one thing that never changes and will forever gnaw at your self-esteem, your patience, your soul, is The Waiting Game! Oh, come on, you know The Waiting Game. It’s that eternally mind-numbing wait for someone to make a decision. The decision on “The Deal.” This is when you give up the one thing that you hold onto for dear life: control. The Waiting Game strips you of everything. You are at the mercy of others to do to you what only success and money can do: make you happy.
I have been a CEO, marketing manager, corporate consultant, salesman, sports agent, mid-level manager, whipping post, pin cushion and magnet to a whole lot of bad stuff. But through it all, if things fall just right and everything you do was done with the best intentions, forethought and planning, at the end of The Waiting Game is a decision that will set you free from all of this: a “Yes!” Because in business, we feed from the same trough. Without a “Yes,” there is nothing. So we pitch and market and sell our souls to the devil just to get that one rush from the “Yes,” over and over again. Victory is fleeting when you win the battle. The fact is that no one ever wins the war!
My advice for the young bucks that want to make it in the world I live in is simply get out before it’s too late. My advice from being a lifer is if you can’t handle The Waiting Game and what it brings most of the time, rejection is no way to go through life…unless you are one of us 1%ers who just can’t find anything in the world more exciting than working for that “Yes.” It’s the best drug in the world that isn’t commercially available.
For those of you who don’t understand this blog, I respect you. But I would never want to be you. That’s harsh. But so is life. Being the best at anything requires sacrifice and pain. I feel it every day. Don’t feel sorry for me. I don’t accept pity. Just know when it is time to step up and get that deal, close that business, win that new account, I want to be in the trenches with someone that has played The Waiting Game hundreds of times; battle-tested, licked a million of their own self-inflicted wounds.
I need more people like this. I mentor people like this. I spend my free time with people like this. The Waiting Game….it’s the only game in town worth playing!